To be a Muslim is never by our grace but the grace of Allah

لا إله إلا الله


10 Beautiful Advice for Muslims

Blessed is he who is born a Muslim. The life of every Muslim is surrounded by advice and warnings; the verses of the Holy Quran and from prophet Nuh (RA) to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) were all sent to advise and warn humanity of the bounties of the hereafter and the punishment that awaits the non-believing men and women.

To be a Muslim is never by our grace but the grace of Allah as many are born Muslims but denounced Islam (SubhanAllah). So also, some are born into non-Muslim families but later accepted Islam. Allah decides whom he wants to be a Muslim and those he choose to let astray. The same Quran that will make people see truth and guidance is the same Quran that will lead others astray how wonderful.

This write-up looks into a few pieces of advice that every Muslims should know…

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About `La illaha illa Allah

Pray your Salah and be good to others too, When you remember Allah, He remembers you. Do you know when you hear or recite the Qur'an, Allah is telling you that He is the One.

Posted on July 27, 2018, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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