A Forgotten Sunnah | Closing Ears With Fingers Upon Hearing Music

A Forgotten Sunnah | Closing Ears With Fingers Upon Hearing Music

  • Nāfi’ narrated that Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما heard the sound of a wind instrument playing.
  • As a result of this he placed his fingers in his ears and turned his riding camel away from the road (on which the music was playing).

Ibn ‘Umar said: “Nāfi’ can you hear it?” I said: “Yes”. Ibn ‘Umar continued riding with his fingers in his ears until I said: “I can’t hear it anymore.” After that, Ibn ‘Umar removed his fingers from his ears and changed the road he was riding on.

Then Ibn ‘Umar رضي الله عنهما said: “I saw the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ place his fingers in his ears when he heard wind instruments and music playing.”

● [أبو داود ٤٩٤٣ ،احمد ٢\٨ ،صححه الألباني]

as-Suyūtī رحمه الله said the example of Nāfi’ is a proof that there is no sin upon the one who listens to music unintentionally.

About `La illaha illa Allah

Pray your Salah and be good to others too, When you remember Allah, He remembers you. Do you know when you hear or recite the Qur'an, Allah is telling you that He is the One.

Posted on August 16, 2015, in Acts of Worship / Ibaada'h, Knowledge / Seeking Knowledge and tagged . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

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