Accompanying the righteous


Accompanying the righteous

From the morals and manners of the Salaf was their ardent zeal for the sake of Allaah to support the pure Sharee’ah and sense of dishonour if anyone entered into the forbidden.

So they would never do an action nor accompany anyone without knowing whether the pleasure of Allaah was there or nor, never hating anyone or loving them for a worldly reason.

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa’sallam) said, “Whoever possesses three things will find the sweetness of Imaan. For Allaah and His Messenger to be more beloved to him than anything else. To love a person for Allaah’s sake alone. To hate to return to disbelief the way he hates to be thrown into the fire.”1

The Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa’sallam) also said, “Whoever loves for Allaah and hates for Allaah, gives for Allaah and withholds for Him, has completed his faith (imaan).”2

One of the Salaf said, “Accompanying the righteous people gives rise to righteousness in the heart.”

Ahmad ibn Harb (rahimahullah) said, “There is nothing more beneficial to a Muslim’s heart than to mix with the righteous and to watch their actions, while nothing is more harmful to the heart than mixing with the sinners and watching their actions.”



  1. Collected by al-Bukhaari (1/60) and at0Tirmidhi (10/91) both of them in the chapter of Al-Imaan.
  2. Collected by Abu Daawood (4656) in the chapter of as-Sunnah, Al-Mundhiri said: That particular chain has al-Qaasim ibn Abdur-Rahmaan in it. He has been slightly criticized by more than one person. Another hadeeth with the same meaning though is reported by Mu’aadh ibn Anas al- Juhaani collected by Ahmad (3/440) and at-Tirmidhi (9/323) in Sifat-ul-Qiyaamah who said: This hadeeth is Hasan. Al-Baghawi also reported this hadeeth in his “Sharh-us-Sunnah” (13/54). The editor said: The chain of this hadeeth is strong.

About Azaan Abbas

Welcome to Dawah – For The Sake of Allaah! This blog aims to provide authentic and true knowledge of Islam from the Qur'aan and Sunnah.

Posted on January 26, 2011, in From the Characteristic of the Salaf and tagged , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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